• 尼泊尔文化、美食和投资合作展在北京举行
  • 和苑"一带一路大使村"举办朝鲜国家文化展
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One Belt One Road China-Pakistan Cultural Corridor Entering a New Era
One Belt One Road China-Pakistan Cultural Corridor Entering a New Era
On November 6th, Historical and Cultural Impressions of Pakistan art exhibition was formally organized at Beijing Peace Garden Museum. Pakistani Ambassador to China Masood Khalid, Honorary Consultant of Pakistani Government and President of…
A Reception Party held in the Peace Garden Museum to Welcome Ballet Bacoulou of Haiti
A Reception Party held in the Peace Garden Museum to Welcome Ballet Bacoulou of Haiti
13394 / 2017-08-15
Li Ruohong, President of China World Peace Foundation exchanges gifts with Ralph LATORTUE, Permanent…
Qatar Imperial Art Exhibition in Peace Garden Museum
Qatar Imperial Art Exhibition in Peace Garden Museum
9649 / 2017-04-20
An oil painting exhibition entitled Spring in Peace Garden, initiated by Qatar Princess Nadia and…
Pakistan Art, Culture and Heritage Exhibition Opened in Beijing
Pakistan Art, Culture and Heritage Exhibition Opened in Beijing
10261 / 2017-03-22
On March 22, Pakistan Art, Culture and Heritage Exhibition, co-organized by Pakistan Embassy in…
联合国教科文组织 中国世界和平基金会

“一带一路”文化互动版图:音乐与艺术 | 科学技术与技能 | 医术与医药 | 服装与服饰 | 美食与农业 | 神话与幻想 | 传统竞技与体育 | 语言与文学 | 仪式与庆典 | 宗教与精神

An Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads: Arts and Music | Seience,Technology and Know-how | Pharmacology and Medicine | Costumes and Clothing | Food and Agriculture | Mythology and Fantasy | Traditional Games and Sports | Languages and literature | Rituals and Celebrations | Religion and Spitituality